Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Year 5 is a year full of new opportunities: from enjoying swimming lessons to engaging with Greek mythology and utilising the beauty of West Ham Park as stimulus for writing projects and poetry. As the children are growing up, the puberty lessons will also take place for our Year 5 pupils. 

Below is a handful of the many exciting things pupils will be learning this year across the curriculum:

Mathematics: Pupils will be using Maths No Problem scheme which encompasses all areas of maths.

Literacy: Pupils will explore a plethora of high quality books from Cloudbusting by Malorie Blackman to The Promise by Nicola Davies. Year 5 pupils will also be embarking on Writing for Pleasure projects where their independence and creativity will soar.

Science: Pupils will be deepening their understanding of states of matter, voyage into space, understand the different forces in our lives and understanding changes in humans and animals. 

History: Pupils will delve into the civilization of the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Greeks.

Geography: Pupils will become global citizens when learning about the environmental issues facing our precious planet and deepen their mapping skills and geographical understanding of rural settlements in the UK and Kenya.

D&T: Pupils will be making a moon buggy to accompany the Earth and Space unit as well as developing their stitching skills to make a bag.

Art: Pupils will create sculptures and focus on the brush techniques to create a London skyline. 

French: Pupils will learn how to describe what they like to do in their free time as well as practice conversational French in restaurant scenarios. 

Music: Pupils will learn how to play the recorder as well as learning the history of music and how to write songs. 

 R.E: Pupils focus on the importance of Muhammad in Islam, what other religions believe about God, The importance of Christmas for Christians and a topic about peace across religions. 

P.E: Pupils will learn how to play hockey, create dance routines, outdoor adventures and cricket.

Computing: pupils will create their own game using Scratch as well as creating digital art and blogs. 

PHSE: An exciting new subject where we will follow a scheme called Jigsaw. The sessions focus on emotional, physical and mental well being. ​


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