
Welcome to Nursery

The Early Years Curriculum at Elmhurst is built around 4 themes:

  • a unique child
  • positive relationships
  • learning and development
  • enabling environments.

At Elmhurst we value these themes and want to support each child from their starting points. We know all children are different and believe that good communication with parents and carers is key to a supportive relationship between nursery and home.

We plan for and assess teaching, learning and development closely, keeping our children's' interests in mind, and provide rich learning opportunities for all children to learn and progress. Our Nursery environment has a beautiful landscaped garden, excellent provision and resources that all children find inspiring and exciting.

Above all, we passionately believe that every child is a competent learner who can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured. With good adult support all children can excel and most of all, enjoy their time at Nursery.

Please take a look at our staff list to see our nursery team.

Our slideshow 'A Day in the Early Years' gives a peep into some of the provision we offer our children in Nursery. As you will see and hear, our children at Elmhurst enjoy learning and love their school!

Here are some photos of children enjoying learning in the Nursery.

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