Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Funding 

Elmhurst Primary School receives a Pupil Premium Grant for each child who is entitled to receive Free School Meals or for any Looked After Children. 22.6% of our pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium funding. 

We are required to publish online information about how we have used the premium.

Elmhurst Pupil Premium Grant for 2023 - 2024 is £314,280 + £31,320 Recovery Premium

Elmhurst Pupil Premium Grant for 2022 - 2023 was £297,772 + £31,176 Recovery Premium

Elmhurst Pupil Premium Grant for 2021 - 2022 was £246,135 + £26,535 Recovery Premium

Elmhurst Pupil premium plan 2023-4

Sports Premium

The School has been allocated a PE and Sports Premium which has been used to provide additional sports provision to extend high quality activities to help pupils achieve their personal best.

Elmhurst Sports Premium Grant for 2024-2025 is expected to be in line with previous years

Elmhurst Sports Premium Grant for 2023-2024 was £23,190

Elmhurst Sports Premium Grant for 2022-2023 was £23,140

Sports Premium Plan 2024-25

Sports Premium Plan and Evaluation 2023-24

The additional provision ensures that our most vulnerable children are well provided for and receive high quality support to help them achieve their personal best. The high standards we see in the pupils' work and SATs results demonstrates the impact that the funding has on achievement and progress.

Pupils are given the opportunity to experience cultures and historic settings that they would otherwise not normally be exposed to.

It is evident that these children, with the additional support and resources, are becoming more confident individuals who have increased confidence and are more willing to apply themselves during lessons.

Sports and Pupil Premium spending is key to promote well-being and has provided a number of vulnerable children with the opportunity to succeed.

The next pupil premium strategy meeting will take place in November 2024.