Art and Design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual tactile experiences and a way of understanding and responding to the environment and the world. Pupils at Elmhurst School use a variety of methods to achieve this including using the language of art and design including colour, form, texture, pattern, line and shape, combining different materials and processes to communicate what they learn about the world and topics that they are studying. At Elmhurst, Art develops and contributes to a wider understanding of life building a balanced and curious child.
A range of artists are used to illustrate and develop children’s understanding of the role and purpose of art. These artists are from a variety of backgrounds including artists that reflect our diverse community. At Elmhurst we explore the ideas and meanings of artists, craft workers and designers; they link this experience to topics that they are investigating in history and geography.
While it is essentially a practical subject, our art curriculum provides opportunities for reflection and, with increasing sensitivity, pupils acquire the ability to make informed, critical responses of their own work and that of others. Pupils use art and design activities to make judgements and practical decisions about artwork and artistic experiences. When teachers deliver the art curriculum they plan inclusive lessons, taking into account pupils’ needs and celebrating individual expression. With adult support, children with SEN are allowed to develop the work outside of the lessons, often extending art activities such as mark making and colour mixing into their learning plan. Pupils keep Art books to record ideas and practice skills; these books are used to track the progress and record the achievements of pupil’s experiences in art and design.
Our children and teachers are also very lucky to benefit from the expertise from our art consultant, Andrew Mutter, who team teaches on a rotating basis on various art units to ensure that units are continually developed and improved upon.
At Elmhurst there are a range of opportunities for children to develop their skills further. These include cross curricular links, clubs and various workshops that allow different artists to come and work directly with our children on special projects. We are also proud to participate in the annual Newham Art Exhibition, where we celebrate and display our art achievements from across the school.
Learning outside the classroom experiences also feature in the Elmhurst Art curriculum: museums and galleries are visited and teachers often take the opportunity to use observational drawing and direct learning experiences to enhance learning. At Elmhurst we also have the unique opportunity to go overseas to study art in a European capital with our art consultant. These have included visits to Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam and Venice.
Elmhurst Primary School has received the Platinum Artsmark Award, confirming that the School’s arts and cultural provision was of the highest possible standard exceeding National Curriculum requirements. The Platinum Award was achieved following two years of development, which began with an assessment of the arts and cultural experiences already on offer; this was then formally assessed by the Arts Council of England. As such, visitors regularly come to school to seek curriculum advice, look at displays and examine the in-depth planning of art provision.
Our Art and Design Curriculum Map is here if you would like to take a look.
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