Parent Information and Family Support

Useful links for parents:

Elmhurst Padlet

Elmhurst Parent Information Notice Board

Well Newham Support

Elmhurst Behaviour Policy Summary

Sign up now to tax-free childcare

Free School Meals

Parent ViewPreview Changes (opens in a new tab)

School Uniform Shop

Winter leaflet

Our Newham money

Help with living cost

Winter wellness


Family Support

Letter requests

If you would like to request a reference/status letters for your child to confirm attendance at our school. Please click on the link below to complete a letter request form.

 Please note, the school policy for completing letter requests is 2 working days. You will be contacted by a member of the office team when your letter is ready for collection.

Befriending - Connect Newham

Connect Newham is a service delivered by a consortium of trusted local voluntary organisations

If you live in Newham, live alone, or care for someone on your own, and you are feeling lonely or isolated for whatever reason, Connect Newham can help

You can call Connect Newham on 020 3954 3224 or email (9am-5pm on weekdays)


Newham CAMHS Workshops

For any families with children in Newham. Parents/carers can sign up to any workshops they are interested in.


The Newham Food Alliance

The Newham Food Alliance is an open collaboration, supported by Newham council, working to assist residents who are experiencing financial challenges that are preventing them from getting the food they need.

Click here to refer yourself or someone you know to the Newham Food Alliance:

If you need assistance to complete the form please contact the Newham Helpline at 0207473 9711 or (open 9am-7pm, 7 days a week)


Family Information Service

The Family Information Services provides information and sign posting to services that supports families in Newham.

Please click on the link to find further information on:

  • Parenting support and befriending services
  • Domestic Violence
  • Housing
  • Homelessness
  • Employment
  • Carers
  • Financial Support


Financial advice

You can get free financial advice and information from Newham Money works.


Council tax payment help

If you are having difficulty paying your Council Tax due to the Coronavirus pandemic please contact Council Tax and Benefits on 020 8430 2000. If your income has changed you may well be eligible for Council Tax Support which will pay up to 90% of your Council Tax. If you already claim Council Tax support please tell them about the change using the online change of circumstances found on the Council’s website. If you do not currently have a claim for Council Tax support you can make a claim online. If you need help with making a claim or advice, the Council Tax staff will quickly help you make a claim for this and can discuss payment holidays or even hardship grants towards outstanding Council Tax. Please don’t wait for your account to go into arrears before contacting them. We want to help support you in these difficult times.

Other Support Available

Contact details for food banks and other Newham support services can be found in this document: COVID-19 Support for Newham Families

Further information about Elmhurst's Safeguarding arrangements during closure can be found on the poster below, please click on the poster for more information. 

If you would like to discuss something privately then please do email the school office at and please direct the email enquiry at a specific member of staff. 

It is important that we all feel connected as a school community.