On Tuesday 21st May 2024, Elmhurst Primary School, along with its community of children, families and staff, as well as supporters from across the New Vision Trust and wider community, celebrated the opening of the Jane Nash Support Wing. Dame Rachel De Souza, the Children’s Commissioner for England, was in attendance and delivered an uplifting speech on the dual importance of education and family in children’s lives. Promoting and protecting the rights of children, especially those who are the most vulnerable, lies at the heart of Dame Rachel De Souza’s work. It therefore felt apt to have her cut the red ribbon– officially opening the new building– as the Jane Nash Support Wing is a dedicated space to offer additional support to enhance our pupils’ education and wellbeing. We were also joined by the heads of the other schools in our MAT, our supporters from the local community, colleagues from educational organisations and of course our wonderful families, children and staff.
The Jane Nash Support Wing features a bright double classroom ideal for a variety of groups, including creative arts, cookery and those involving sensory activities with water or ‘messy play’. There is also a spacious, sensory garden with play equipment specifically designed to meet a wide-range of sensory processing differences and regulation needs, such as ground-level trampolines, an inclusive ‘accelerator’ swing and a spinner. The glass-ceilinged atrium provides access to dedicated office space, a multi-agency meeting room, therapy room and accessible toilets. There is also a soft play room which provides opportunities for open-ended play and the development of communication and interaction skills. Finally, there is a sensory room complete with cloud burst lights, rainbow colour wash lights, bubble tube, tactile panels and more. We are delighted to be able to offer these spaces as another part of our offer for those who would benefit, including children with special educational needs or additional needs.
The Support Wing has been named in honour of Elmhurst’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), Jane Nash. Ms Nash has been SENCo at Elmhurst for nineteen years and throughout this time she has been unwavering in her dedication to children with special educational needs, working tirelessly to improve their education and wellbeing. We are excited to see The Jane Nash Support Wing enhancing children’s learning and wellbeing for many, many years to come.
Mr Ahmed, the CEO of the New Vision Trust, gave a fantastic speech to the classrooms which were full to the brim with people who joined us for the grand opening.
Dame Rachel de Souza then gave an inspiring speech on the importance of education and family. She spends her career ensuring that children and young people have a voice and a say about the things that matter most to them.
Dame Rachel De Souza spectacularly cut the red ribbon and announced the Jane Nash Support Wing officially open! It was a very special moment!
Ms Samra, our inspiring head teacher, also shared a fantastic speech about children with special needs at our school and the work of Ms Nash. Ms Nash thanked many people for their work over the years, including our amazing teaching assistants who have made an immeasurable impact on children and their families over the years.
The sensory garden is a clear highlight for the children, as is the gorgeous sensory room and soft play rooms that you can see below.