News from Year 6: SATs, the Olympic Park and Careers Talk

Year 6 have been having a busy time lately and we have the following update and photos from Mr Sheppard, our wonderful Head of Year 6. 


During the week commencing Monday 13th May, our Year 6 children completed their SATs tests. There were some nerves initially, however the children quickly settled and performed brilliantly. It was such an honour and privilege to watch them work at their absolute peak and with such focus. The Y6 teachers are incredibly proud of all our students.

Park Trip

Following the completion of SATs on Thursday 16th May we took the children to West Ham Park to let their hair down. We had loads of fun playing football, cricket, silent ball and just generally running around. On the following day, we visited the Olympic Park at Stratford in order to explore the different playgrounds. It was lovely to see the children exploring the different areas and climbing really high in the tree house.

Time to play with friends and relax!

Exploring the exciting equipment.

The weather was so warm and sunny.  

The children enjoyed the freedom of no lessons after a very tiring week of SATs exams.   

Careers Talk

On Monday 20th May, four amazing adults came into year 6 to speak to the children about their careers. We had a doctor, a coder, a consultant and university student explain what they do and how they got there. The aim of the sessions was for the children to feel inspired about their futures and to encourage them to start thinking about what they would like to do.

The children had chance to ask the speakers their questions about the different careers.

The event made the children curious to learn more about the world of work. Exciting times are ahead for the children!