Science Week 2024

Elmhurst recently celebrated Science Week from 17-21st June 2024! Children in every year group explored the theme of time both in their classes and through science projects created at home. On Friday 21st June, the best science projects from across the school were presented at the Elmhurst Science Fair where they were judged by Ms Samra and Ms Young. All the classes had a chance to visit the fair and the children who had created the experiments were on hand to discuss their work- what they did, why, what they were testing, how they made it fair and so on. 
Both judges were impressed by the high quality of scientific inquiry and the confidence with which all the children shared their presentations. Graphs, results, conclusions and interactive elements gained extra points too. Awards for the winning presentations from KS1 and KS2 were given out at a special assembly on Monday 1st July. 
It was a fantastic opportunity to see all of the amazing learning that has happened in Science and a chance for our families to come and be a part of Science Week. We are already excited to get involved with Science Week 2025! Please take a look at some of the photos from the week. A special thank you to our wonderful Science Coordinator for organising this memorable week.