Elmhurst's Outstanding Ofsted Report

We are delighted to share our final Ofsted inspection report- the team found that Elmhurst is outstanding overall and outstanding in all areas which include: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, early years and leadership and management. This reflects the high standards that we have in school. In the last inspection in 2006, the school was judged to be outstanding overall and was outstanding in all areas except the early years which was judged as good. We are delighted that our early years provision has improved over time under Ms Holloway's excellent leadership.

Although the new style reports are brief, Elmhurst's final report is very positively written. Some of the strengths include the following: teaching and learning of reading, teachers' and leaders' high expectations, ambitious curriculum, enrichment opportunities, high standards including in the nursery, SEND provision, safeguarding, behaviour, governance and parental engagement.

We should all be very proud of our school and we would like to pass on a special thank you to parents/carers for the excellent partnership that has been nurtured between home and school. We are pleased that through the Parent view questionnaire responses, the inspection team reported that parents/carers feel well supported, valued and listened to by the school. Elmhurst is the amazing school that it is because of the close relationships with our school community.

Our school improvement work does not stop just because the inspection has happened -in fact we have never been busier as we further improve our curriculum and teaching. To cite from the report: "Leaders do not accept that the curriculum is ever good enough". The relentless determination to improve is a feature of our school that was noted by the inspectors from the governors and senior leaders to our year heads, curriculum leaders, teachers, support staff including office staff and teaching assistants to kitchen staff and cleaning staff.

Please see our Ofsted Report here: https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50172996