Year 6 Batik Project

Working with our resident art specialist, Andrew Mutter, Year 6 pupils undertook a week-long Batik project. 

Batik involves printing coloured patterns on textiles by dying them, having first applied wax to the parts which will be left undyed. With hot wax, unfamiliar tjanting tools (used to apply hot wax) and numerous dyes to mix, Batik is a complicated craft! However, Year 6 rose to the artistic challenge, working carefully and thoughtfully with this new equipment.

Our particular project was inspired by the Brazilian artist, Romero Britto, who combines elements of cubism, pop art and graffiti. Having studied his work, Year 6 created Batik textiles.

Here is what some of the children had to say about this project…

Banoo, 6T

We studied a Brazilian neon pop artist called Romero Britto. We looked at some of his artwork which we used to create Batik. I’m going to tell you how to do Batik...

To make Batik you will need:

  • fabric
  • wax 
  • dye
  • djanting tools 
  • masking tape
  • paint brushes
  • cloth

First, melt the wax, then draw your design on the fabric (remember big and bold details, tiny details don’t work). Next, fill your Djanting tool with the melted wax and start tracing over your lines. Once you have finished waxing, let it completely dry for 5 to 10 minutes. Now, prepare your dyes (I used yellow, red, pink, blue, purple and orange). Use a brush and apply the dye where you want it to be. While you are doing your dying process you can see that the dye does not come on the parts where the wax is. When you have finished dying the fabric, let your artwork dry completely for an hour and a half. Next, take two pieces of newspaper - put one at the front and one at the back of your artwork. Then iron the fabric until the dye has melted. Finally, wash your fabric in cold water and then let it dry for two hours. Then viola! You have your very own Batik project!

What went well? I found the drawing and the dying easy because I didn’t have to worry about drips or anything like that.

What could be better? I think that my waxing could be better because I didn’t have very good control and the wax was dripping everywhere!

Alveena, 6T

Batiq is a really great activity… but for kids it may or may not be a big, BIG mess! Let me guess… you are wondering what in the world is Batik? Well, Batik is a type of art which uses wax and dye and bucket-loads of preparation! 

Banoo has told you the process, so let me give you two top tips.


  1. Be big, be bold: Choose dyes and colours that will make your work stand out.
  2. Equip yourself: Make sure you are using the proper tools, like a Djantig tool not a spoon, to move the wax.